Wednesday, May 18, 2016

But seriously

I am strongly disappointed in how much mainstream American society is ignoring mental health issues. Pretty much every major issue we're debating with our neighbors, on social media, in the car with annoying in-laws, and everywhere else, can all be brought back to a huge issue we're having: This country cares very little about mental health and it's disturbing.

When I started this blog, my plan was to have a voice. I know I'm just a simple say-at-home-mom but one major goal in my life has been to make a difference. Yes, I have struggled with mental health problems since I was a child. Yes, I know people who have it worse, but I know people who have it better. Funny thing is we're all fighting our own battles. I could sit here at this computer typing for three days straight about what I think a perfect worlds would be, but that would be my opinion. However, there is one thing I think we can all agree on: Each and every one of us just wants to be happy. I don't wake up and choose to be depressed. That guy down the street doesn't want to rely on drugs to keep himself going. Bullies are always displacing their own problems. No one WANTS be to be defeated. We all have a survival instinct. But why survive in misery?

I have had my struggles and am still battling every day to stay afloat. It is my ultimate goal to share my story, because when we share, we are not alone. I also want to hold my head up high and be able to smile and laugh with my son. My sense of humor keeps me sane, even though it may be a bit twisted.

I recently met my hero. It was super weird because I'm just me, a simple woman with dreams bigger than anyone could imagine, but I got to thank my hero for saving my life. Listen to Blue October sometime. Listen to their albums chronologically. Life is a struggle that I don't often feel like fighting for, but I still try because I hope one day I can make some sort of difference. I don't want to have continued living for nothing. I'm here for some reason, and I want to do what I need to do.

I look forward to building the courage to share my story. Here is step one.

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